Step 1: Click on the Lambda function to figure out the Lambda execution role Step 2: Create a policy to grant permission to SES Step 3: Attach the newly created…
Step 1: Go to API Gateway, click Custom domain names. Step 2: Click Create Step 3: Enter the domain name and select the ACM Certificate. Use this to create a…
Step 1: Go to Certificate Manager, Click on Request a certificate Step 2: Select Request a public certificate and click on Request a certificate Step 3: Enter the domain name…
Step 1. Add a lambda function using amplify add function command ? amplify add function ? Select which capability you want to add: Lambda function (serverless function) ? Provide an…
Update the Amplify function grant access to the GraphQL API ? Select which capability you want to update: Lambda function (serverless function) ? Select the Lambda function you want to…
Step 1: Add the following changes to the schema.graphql file """ Schema for Voting Feature """ type Vote @model { id: ID option: String optionCount: Int } type VoteType {…
Go to API Gateway consoleSelect the stage Select the Enable API Cache checkbox 4. Select the GET path under Resources -> /content/{proxy+} 5. Select the Method Request6. Expand Request Paths7.…
I used the following command to generate the cloudfront signed url aws cloudfront sign --url --key-pair-id APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE --private-key file://cf-signer-priv-key.pem --date-less-than 2022-01-01 To sign a URL, you need the key…